
Selembar Kertas Kosong

Banyak orang berkata kalau hidup ini adalah sebuah panggung sandiwara. Layaknya lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh alm. Nicky Astria.

dunia ini panggung sandiwara
ceritanya mudah berubah
kisah Mahabrata atau tragedi dari Yunani

setiap kita dapat satu peranan
yang harus kita mainkan
ada peran wajar dan ada peran berpura-pura

mengapa kita bersandiwara
mengapa kita bersandiwara

peran yang kocak bikin kita terbahak-bahak
peran bercinta bikin orang mabuk kepayang
dunia ini penuh peranan
dunia ini bagaikan jembatan kehidupan

mengapa kita bersandiwara
mengapa kita bersandiwara

Mungkin ada benarnya juga. Sebuah panggung sandiwara yang dilakoni oleh para aktor. Setiap aktor membawakan perannya masing-masing. Seperti manusia yang membawakan peran berbeda-beda, ada yang baik, jahat, pintar, bawel, pendiam, kaya, miskin, selalu beruntung, ada juga yang sepertinya selalu saja sial. Beragam peran dilakoni oleh manusia di sebuah panggung yang disebut bumi. Terkadang panggung itu memaksa penghuninya untuk memakai topeng. Topeng untuk melindungi diri dan tentunya membuat panggung dunia lebih berwarna dan hidup. Panggung sandiwara kehidupan itu disutradarai oleh Tuhan yang juga sekaligus produsernya. Tuhan - lah yang menciptakan panggung itu dan membuat skenario sandiwara para lakonnya.

Betapa saya mengagumi perumpaan itu sambil terus mencari pembenaran yang lain. Sebuah pembenaran lain dari sudut pandang yang hanya berbeda tiga derajat saja. kehidupan mungkin lebih mirip ayalnya seorang komikus dengan selembar kertas kosong. Seorang komikus dapat menorehkan apa saja yang ia mau pada kertasnya itu. bisa juga tak peduli dengan kemauan dan pendapat orang lain. ia dapat membuat cerita happy ending atau pun berakhir tragis. segala jenis cerita dapat ia torehkan, toh dia dalangnya ini. kertas kosong itu ayalnya sebuah kehidupan yang mempunyai banyak pilihan. si komikus tidak bukan adalah manusia itu sendiri, seorang dalang kehidupan. terserah manusia mau dia bawa ke mana kehidupan itu sebuah cerita tragis ataukah sebuah akhir bahagia? manusia itu sendiri yang menentukan pilihannya.

Tapi ada satu komponen lagi yang tak bisa kita lupakan... Bentuk standar sebuah komik. Dimana di dalamnya tersirat aturan-aturan dan pakem yang harus di taati. Seperti wujudnya yang penuh dengan gambar bercerita. bukan hanya tulisan seperti novel, dan bukan hanya gambar. aturan itu tentu bukan untuk membuatnya seragam. tetapi untuk mengingatkan dan menjaga agar si komikus tahu apa yang sedang dilakukannya, apa yang harus dilakukannya, apa yang boleh dilakukan, dan tidak dilakukan. Seperti halnya aturan-aturan yang ada di kehidupan ini. sesuatu yang halal, haram, dan sunah. sekumpulan aturan yang dibuat oleh sang Pencipta.

first time for everything

I believe there's always firts time for everything. it was around November when i had my first surgery. the day before, i was still gosipping and laughing with my friends at college but as evening come my stomached got worst. it felt like someone was slicing my stomach with a sharp knife. i can't even walk. and it got worst when i didn't make any move. i wanted to cry, but my tears wont fall. at that time i've had thought that maybe death or suicide is better than this feeling.

that night the doctor said, " the only way is to take a surgery as soon as possible, if not, the appendicitis which already in the emergency state will grow bigger and explode. this would happen soon. the body's liquid will spread over her body and went to her cardiac, tuberculous, and brain. in that case we wont be able to help".

it's like a slap to my cheek. it worst than hearing that i'm failed in my final test, worst than got ignored or dumped by someone you like, this was even worst than failed in the entrance exam on My-Favourite-Dream Future college. it was a bad news. No, it was the worst. Father, are you already in heaven? Maybe this time we'll (probably) meet again soon :) i never imagined something like this would ever happen to me. no. never. and no one would, of course.

This was the time i felt most Grateful to God. i'm not the owner of this body and not this soul either. i remember i'm just someone who happened to borrowed these and God is the one who give me this chances to felt what life is like. i was the one whose god believe that will make my parent smiles, take care of them, and doing only good things for them. but, i haven't done anything in my eighteen's. sigh... i know i've done so much wrong, i done nothing and forget about You but please give me one more chances to live my life beautifully, GOD. let me see my mother's smile seeing her succes daughter's.

i couldn't sleep that night. i worried too much. until the nurse came to see me. she said i don't need to worry, the surgery will went well and i would be in perfect condition tomorrow. i hope so, nurse. then she give me the sleeping pill.


Why People do Blogging ?

Wikipedia defined blog as a website that usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Nowadays, blog have become one of the most popular ways to communicate in the Internet. Blog, which originally comes from the word web log, is another form of diary that is posted to some domain in the Internet and can be easily accessed by everyone. It becomes more popular when there is a lot of website provided a free hosting, like Wordpress, Blogspot, Tumblr, and Multiply. The number of blog keeps increasing everyday. Up to now, more than 500.000 blog have been made by Indonesian blogger. These blogger do blogging for many reasons. Come along with these reason the content of blog can be various. It could be a daily life story, poem, or even a prose; marketing tools; and citizen journalism.

At the beginning most of blogger use their blog as a diary. These kinds of blogger write anything about their life in their blog. Diary’s blog could contain a daily life story, poem, or even a prose. These blogger does not have aim to gain profit from their blog. They made a blog as a tool to release their emotion, to get rid of anger, and to share their feeling with the readers through their writing. For example, ramdaffe.wordpress.com and mvgirl.net, the owner of these blog posts their daily activities, their family’s life, their love stories, and their traveling experiences in their blog.

If a blog is accessed by lots of people, the owner of the blog can gain profit from their blog. Thus, some advertiser will consider the blog as a good place to put their advertisement. Advertisers are willing to pay the owner of the blog if they think it would help them gain a big selling of their products. For example, some advertiser put their banner in Neville Hobson blog and paid him because his blog, which blog’s contents are intersection of business, communication and technology, have a lot visitor which means that their advertise will seen by huge number of people who read the blog. Another examples are kioskiki.co.cc that sell education books with low price and byputy’s blog that using her blog to advertise her own hand-made bag’s products.

Some journalist to report news that cannot be published in the main media uses Blog. Blog is a more democratic and honest media compared to the traditional media such as print media, TV, or radio. To make a posting in blog, journalists do not have to pay attention to the principle of journalism. Besides, there is no date line to submit their work and there is lot of space or pages to report their news. For example, The Economist magazine, which published economic-politic news, their journalists blog have more personal stories and more touching stories about the society’s life in where the incident happened.

In conclusion, the content of blog could be a diary’s writing, marketing tool, and citizen journalism with various purposes. The popularity of blog, which keeps increasing everyday, will urge more people to make blog. Furthermore, the variety of blog’s contents and purposes will be increased.


addictive happiness

care to here my another rambling ? here it goes :)

sabtu kemarin saya dan keluarga mencoba jalan baru menuju puncak. Gadok. saya tahu jalanan itu dari seorang teman yang memiliki rumah disekitar sentul. dia bilang ada jalanan yang lebih 'menyenangkan' disana. :)

*pause : theres a fight here in my room, im gonna watching it for a while first ;)

triple fun

baru saja ke sana dan ke sini, melihat-lihat blog jaman kadaluarsa dulu :) jadi ketawa sendiri,
"ooh dulu gw seperti itu ya... tapi masa iya sih?" ada bahasa2 yang kayaknya bukan 'saya' dan hal-hal aneh yang sepertinya tidak penting (hehe) :D sepertinya tidak ada blog saya yang bertahan lama yah. Mungkin memang saya orangnya cepat bosan dengan sesuatu, bertemu yang baru yang lama dilupakan... tapi tidak halnya dengan urusan teman lho, (x
blog kadaluarsa itu sudah lama sekali terlantar ~~~ ingin deh punya blog yang benar ber- 'isi' :D


Mata Hati Telinga

Adakah kau rasakan kadang hati dan fikiran Tak selalu sejalan seperti yang kau harapkan Tuhan tolong tunjukkan apa yang ‘kan datang Hikmah dari semua misteri yang tak pernah terpecahkan
mata hati telinga - maliq & d' essential


Selembar Kertas Kosong

Banyak orang berkata kalau hidup ini adalah sebuah panggung sandiwara. Layaknya lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh alm. Nicky Astria.

dunia ini panggung sandiwara
ceritanya mudah berubah
kisah Mahabrata atau tragedi dari Yunani

setiap kita dapat satu peranan
yang harus kita mainkan
ada peran wajar dan ada peran berpura-pura

mengapa kita bersandiwara
mengapa kita bersandiwara

peran yang kocak bikin kita terbahak-bahak
peran bercinta bikin orang mabuk kepayang
dunia ini penuh peranan
dunia ini bagaikan jembatan kehidupan

mengapa kita bersandiwara
mengapa kita bersandiwara

Mungkin ada benarnya juga. Sebuah panggung sandiwara yang dilakoni oleh para aktor. Setiap aktor membawakan perannya masing-masing. Seperti manusia yang membawakan peran berbeda-beda, ada yang baik, jahat, pintar, bawel, pendiam, kaya, miskin, selalu beruntung, ada juga yang sepertinya selalu saja sial. Beragam peran dilakoni oleh manusia di sebuah panggung yang disebut bumi. Terkadang panggung itu memaksa penghuninya untuk memakai topeng. Topeng untuk melindungi diri dan tentunya membuat panggung dunia lebih berwarna dan hidup. Panggung sandiwara kehidupan itu disutradarai oleh Tuhan yang juga sekaligus produsernya. Tuhan - lah yang menciptakan panggung itu dan membuat skenario sandiwara para lakonnya.

Betapa saya mengagumi perumpaan itu sambil terus mencari pembenaran yang lain. Sebuah pembenaran lain dari sudut pandang yang hanya berbeda tiga derajat saja. kehidupan mungkin lebih mirip ayalnya seorang komikus dengan selembar kertas kosong. Seorang komikus dapat menorehkan apa saja yang ia mau pada kertasnya itu. bisa juga tak peduli dengan kemauan dan pendapat orang lain. ia dapat membuat cerita happy ending atau pun berakhir tragis. segala jenis cerita dapat ia torehkan, toh dia dalangnya ini. kertas kosong itu ayalnya sebuah kehidupan yang mempunyai banyak pilihan. si komikus tidak bukan adalah manusia itu sendiri, seorang dalang kehidupan. terserah manusia mau dia bawa ke mana kehidupan itu sebuah cerita tragis ataukah sebuah akhir bahagia? manusia itu sendiri yang menentukan pilihannya.

Tapi ada satu komponen lagi yang tak bisa kita lupakan... Bentuk standar sebuah komik. Dimana di dalamnya tersirat aturan-aturan dan pakem yang harus di taati. Seperti wujudnya yang penuh dengan gambar bercerita. bukan hanya tulisan seperti novel, dan bukan hanya gambar. aturan itu tentu bukan untuk membuatnya seragam. tetapi untuk mengingatkan dan menjaga agar si komikus tahu apa yang sedang dilakukannya, apa yang harus dilakukannya, apa yang boleh dilakukan, dan tidak dilakukan. Seperti halnya aturan-aturan yang ada di kehidupan ini. sesuatu yang halal, haram, dan sunah. sekumpulan aturan yang dibuat oleh sang Pencipta.

first time for everything

I believe there's always firts time for everything. it was around November when i had my first surgery. the day before, i was still gosipping and laughing with my friends at college but as evening come my stomached got worst. it felt like someone was slicing my stomach with a sharp knife. i can't even walk. and it got worst when i didn't make any move. i wanted to cry, but my tears wont fall. at that time i've had thought that maybe death or suicide is better than this feeling.

that night the doctor said, " the only way is to take a surgery as soon as possible, if not, the appendicitis which already in the emergency state will grow bigger and explode. this would happen soon. the body's liquid will spread over her body and went to her cardiac, tuberculous, and brain. in that case we wont be able to help".

it's like a slap to my cheek. it worst than hearing that i'm failed in my final test, worst than got ignored or dumped by someone you like, this was even worst than failed in the entrance exam on My-Favourite-Dream Future college. it was a bad news. No, it was the worst. Father, are you already in heaven? Maybe this time we'll (probably) meet again soon :) i never imagined something like this would ever happen to me. no. never. and no one would, of course.

This was the time i felt most Grateful to God. i'm not the owner of this body and not this soul either. i remember i'm just someone who happened to borrowed these and God is the one who give me this chances to felt what life is like. i was the one whose god believe that will make my parent smiles, take care of them, and doing only good things for them. but, i haven't done anything in my eighteen's. sigh... i know i've done so much wrong, i done nothing and forget about You but please give me one more chances to live my life beautifully, GOD. let me see my mother's smile seeing her succes daughter's.

i couldn't sleep that night. i worried too much. until the nurse came to see me. she said i don't need to worry, the surgery will went well and i would be in perfect condition tomorrow. i hope so, nurse. then she give me the sleeping pill.


Why People do Blogging ?

Wikipedia defined blog as a website that usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Nowadays, blog have become one of the most popular ways to communicate in the Internet. Blog, which originally comes from the word web log, is another form of diary that is posted to some domain in the Internet and can be easily accessed by everyone. It becomes more popular when there is a lot of website provided a free hosting, like Wordpress, Blogspot, Tumblr, and Multiply. The number of blog keeps increasing everyday. Up to now, more than 500.000 blog have been made by Indonesian blogger. These blogger do blogging for many reasons. Come along with these reason the content of blog can be various. It could be a daily life story, poem, or even a prose; marketing tools; and citizen journalism.

At the beginning most of blogger use their blog as a diary. These kinds of blogger write anything about their life in their blog. Diary’s blog could contain a daily life story, poem, or even a prose. These blogger does not have aim to gain profit from their blog. They made a blog as a tool to release their emotion, to get rid of anger, and to share their feeling with the readers through their writing. For example, ramdaffe.wordpress.com and mvgirl.net, the owner of these blog posts their daily activities, their family’s life, their love stories, and their traveling experiences in their blog.

If a blog is accessed by lots of people, the owner of the blog can gain profit from their blog. Thus, some advertiser will consider the blog as a good place to put their advertisement. Advertisers are willing to pay the owner of the blog if they think it would help them gain a big selling of their products. For example, some advertiser put their banner in Neville Hobson blog and paid him because his blog, which blog’s contents are intersection of business, communication and technology, have a lot visitor which means that their advertise will seen by huge number of people who read the blog. Another examples are kioskiki.co.cc that sell education books with low price and byputy’s blog that using her blog to advertise her own hand-made bag’s products.

Some journalist to report news that cannot be published in the main media uses Blog. Blog is a more democratic and honest media compared to the traditional media such as print media, TV, or radio. To make a posting in blog, journalists do not have to pay attention to the principle of journalism. Besides, there is no date line to submit their work and there is lot of space or pages to report their news. For example, The Economist magazine, which published economic-politic news, their journalists blog have more personal stories and more touching stories about the society’s life in where the incident happened.

In conclusion, the content of blog could be a diary’s writing, marketing tool, and citizen journalism with various purposes. The popularity of blog, which keeps increasing everyday, will urge more people to make blog. Furthermore, the variety of blog’s contents and purposes will be increased.


addictive happiness

care to here my another rambling ? here it goes :)

sabtu kemarin saya dan keluarga mencoba jalan baru menuju puncak. Gadok. saya tahu jalanan itu dari seorang teman yang memiliki rumah disekitar sentul. dia bilang ada jalanan yang lebih 'menyenangkan' disana. :)

*pause : theres a fight here in my room, im gonna watching it for a while first ;)

triple fun

baru saja ke sana dan ke sini, melihat-lihat blog jaman kadaluarsa dulu :) jadi ketawa sendiri,
"ooh dulu gw seperti itu ya... tapi masa iya sih?" ada bahasa2 yang kayaknya bukan 'saya' dan hal-hal aneh yang sepertinya tidak penting (hehe) :D sepertinya tidak ada blog saya yang bertahan lama yah. Mungkin memang saya orangnya cepat bosan dengan sesuatu, bertemu yang baru yang lama dilupakan... tapi tidak halnya dengan urusan teman lho, (x
blog kadaluarsa itu sudah lama sekali terlantar ~~~ ingin deh punya blog yang benar ber- 'isi' :D


Mata Hati Telinga

Adakah kau rasakan kadang hati dan fikiran Tak selalu sejalan seperti yang kau harapkan Tuhan tolong tunjukkan apa yang ‘kan datang Hikmah dari semua misteri yang tak pernah terpecahkan
mata hati telinga - maliq & d' essential