

Friday Freaky .
   cuman karena ortega ; gw, lilah dan cyn" hujan2an dari kukel smp teknik :( pengalaman sih haha. sampe neduh dan ngobrol sama orang kelurahan, numpang toilet, hampir ketabrak motor, dan bertindak konyol. berasa lagi main chocolate factories, kita neduh dari satu shelter ke shelter lain (shelter alias kios2 alias warung -lol.)
    mau keluar gerbang kukel langsung berubah alay dan cyn" mulai menunjukkan jiwa liar aslinya, disaat gw, lilah mencari jalan yg normal dia malah nyelip lewat lubang kawat kecil penuh rumput kayak anak kecil, berasa lagi berpetualang di dunia alice in wonderland -untung baju dia gak robek walau tangan dan celananya penuh tanah .lmao. habis itu dia bergaya gadis desa dengan daun2 di tangan dan rambutnya... ohhh, almost forgot: lillah ternyata bisa konyol juga lho ;) tapi nanti dia marah sih kalo gw beberkan hahaha the clue is she cant hold her p** huehehe
    alhasil kita terlihat seperti orang sawah masuk  kota desa.  celana digulung, basah kuyup, kepala bertopikan kantong kresek, dan celana cyn" penuh tanah. tadinya mau mengabadikan aib narsis tapi hp lowbatt semua, dan ada anjing siaul yg mau ngejar kita.
   Good news: kita sampai di teknik dengan selamat tanpa terlihat oleh satu pun anak metal! hahaha aib banget dah kalo sampe ada yg liat.
    we'd just found out the scenery to kukel's gate is amazing, especially after a heavy rain, it's like beginning of winter minus the snow.  one of the best scent on Earth, as the rain poured and damped the ground,the earthy scent, makes it more fascinating :)

Lame Saturday
    I spent this Saturday finishing one of Dan Brown's book, Digital Fortress, whose knowledge dumbfounded me. Walaupun trik-triknya nggak ngejelemit kayak Angel and Demon. I started to search about Safran Foer, knowing that he's bringing the new writing style of fiction. Along with his fiction's books Everything is Illuminated; Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close ;  he's trying the nonfiction path with Eating Animals -books about animals right. Natalie Portman said this books has changed her from a twenty-year vegetarian to a vegan activist. I am interested on his second book, but doesn't have time to go to Aksara. anyone willing to lent me?

The Dreamy Sunday
      all days with mommies :) we were having fun! her pink pallet and my white pallet -we're painting the scenery together,  then eating ice cream, laughing, and chat about everything. a mother-daughter quality's time :D which I never did since I was 17. actually she, once again or maybe always, beat me at drawing. our clothes become full of colors. Then I drag her to eat sushi, which she dislike the most, but I like the most. she really hates me when I am doing this. not hates in literally, of course.
although I'm just living a simple dream, it makes me happy :)



Friday Freaky .
   cuman karena ortega ; gw, lilah dan cyn" hujan2an dari kukel smp teknik :( pengalaman sih haha. sampe neduh dan ngobrol sama orang kelurahan, numpang toilet, hampir ketabrak motor, dan bertindak konyol. berasa lagi main chocolate factories, kita neduh dari satu shelter ke shelter lain (shelter alias kios2 alias warung -lol.)
    mau keluar gerbang kukel langsung berubah alay dan cyn" mulai menunjukkan jiwa liar aslinya, disaat gw, lilah mencari jalan yg normal dia malah nyelip lewat lubang kawat kecil penuh rumput kayak anak kecil, berasa lagi berpetualang di dunia alice in wonderland -untung baju dia gak robek walau tangan dan celananya penuh tanah .lmao. habis itu dia bergaya gadis desa dengan daun2 di tangan dan rambutnya... ohhh, almost forgot: lillah ternyata bisa konyol juga lho ;) tapi nanti dia marah sih kalo gw beberkan hahaha the clue is she cant hold her p** huehehe
    alhasil kita terlihat seperti orang sawah masuk  kota desa.  celana digulung, basah kuyup, kepala bertopikan kantong kresek, dan celana cyn" penuh tanah. tadinya mau mengabadikan aib narsis tapi hp lowbatt semua, dan ada anjing siaul yg mau ngejar kita.
   Good news: kita sampai di teknik dengan selamat tanpa terlihat oleh satu pun anak metal! hahaha aib banget dah kalo sampe ada yg liat.
    we'd just found out the scenery to kukel's gate is amazing, especially after a heavy rain, it's like beginning of winter minus the snow.  one of the best scent on Earth, as the rain poured and damped the ground,the earthy scent, makes it more fascinating :)

Lame Saturday
    I spent this Saturday finishing one of Dan Brown's book, Digital Fortress, whose knowledge dumbfounded me. Walaupun trik-triknya nggak ngejelemit kayak Angel and Demon. I started to search about Safran Foer, knowing that he's bringing the new writing style of fiction. Along with his fiction's books Everything is Illuminated; Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close ;  he's trying the nonfiction path with Eating Animals -books about animals right. Natalie Portman said this books has changed her from a twenty-year vegetarian to a vegan activist. I am interested on his second book, but doesn't have time to go to Aksara. anyone willing to lent me?

The Dreamy Sunday
      all days with mommies :) we were having fun! her pink pallet and my white pallet -we're painting the scenery together,  then eating ice cream, laughing, and chat about everything. a mother-daughter quality's time :D which I never did since I was 17. actually she, once again or maybe always, beat me at drawing. our clothes become full of colors. Then I drag her to eat sushi, which she dislike the most, but I like the most. she really hates me when I am doing this. not hates in literally, of course.
although I'm just living a simple dream, it makes me happy :)